This is the story of Garn and his animals.
This is Shadow a cat that showed up at our place about 5 years ago. So wild you couldn't get near her, and now she waits for Garn every morning and followes him everywhere.
This is Mama Llama and her baby Smudge, in the back is Chocolate, who is still a little afraid of getting close, but still wants her share of the hay.
Chocolate won't get very close, but reaches for her food, while the sheep watch and wait for the Llama to drop the cube hay then they grab it.
Now comes NEBS, our newest addition. A VERY FAMOUS DONKEY. He came from our Branham family in Iowa where he has been in 4H shows, and pulled the wagon in many parades. But his bigest claim to fame is the live Nativity scenes where he gets to carry Mary to the stable. Our Daughter Ellen holds live Nativity programs at Christmas time in their big barn and people come from miles around to see them. In this picture Garn is calling "here Nebs, here Nebs" you can see him in the distance and the sheep and llamas are very curious and not very happy about him coming to their home.
As soon as Nebs gets close, the sheep and llamas take off on the run to the other side of the pasture.
Then they slowely creep back

and watch as Garn makes friends with Nebs.
This is as close as they will get to him